

Do what you have to, to do what you love!!

You might be working in the field you love,  if so that's fantastic. Although, almost 85% of people are not in their desired field. I believe that if you are one of these individuals you need to creatively find the time to invest in your talent. 

Too many people get caught up in working the treadmill.... going and going NOWHERE! You wake up wishing you could stay in bed and thinking of how much you hate your job... But you have to pay the bills.  

Ask your self how can I creatively tune into my talent. Everyone has one... Some are great at making money, making clothes or it could be your great at organizing.  No matter what it is, you have a talent. 

Once you have figured out what your good at. You need to capitalize on that. So now you have your day job and your craft that is allowing your creative juices to flow. 

My talent is song writing and singing but I also enjoy trying anything that is new and exciting.   really I believe that once you find your creative side you can eventually make it your 9-5 and own your own business.  

The more creative ways you find to save money is the more money you will eventually make. Network with people that can help you and you can help them. Yes you have to invest money but you'll make a profit along with the control of your own growth. 


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